2009年6月15日 星期一

Individual Final project Progress Report 3

To do comparison in our final project, we also distribute our survey questions to some NCU students who had joined cross-Strait exchange programs. Our target NCU students would be those who study in the related spheres as the mainland-China exchange students. We proposed to receive all their results last weekend; however, not all of them sent it back on time. Thus, we are still urging them to send back their responses.

As for the mainland students, we gathered all the ten survey responses back from them last weekend and singled out those we think useful in our project. Therefore, we take 8 of their responses as the bases of our discussion, and each of our group members takes 2 out of the 8 responses as individual discussion. The result of the survey might be affected by their personal habits and experiences, or regional differences, and some of their responses are unexpected results.

In my two selected survey results from the mainland students, there are no big changes in their impressions of Taiwan after they joined the exchange program. Their main TV source of Taiwan news is China Central Television (CCTV), which is the official TV station in mainland China. Thus, they could not take pro-independence news reports in Taiwan easily, and regard all those reports are prejudices against China; even, they criticize pro-independence reports for misleading public opinions.

We originally think that the mainland students would think the press freedom enjoyed by Taiwanese people is also favorable to them; that is, there are much less restrictions on the news from the government. However, to our surprise, they think their TV media are still better than Taiwan’s TV media. The environment of Taiwan’s TV media, in their opinions, tends to be chaotic, and many of the reports are not “truth” at all. Besides, we at first assumed that they do not think Taiwan is a lovely island due to the fact of government oppositions in the past; yet, they all say that “寶島” is how they are used to refer to Taiwan.
