After the presentation in the class last Wednesday, our group project still needs much revision. Firstly, the target issue is not specific enough. It would be too broad an issue if we still focus on how the mass media construct the exchange students’ (who are from mainland China) conceptions of Taiwan. Therefore, we decide to narrow the mass media down to the TV media, and change our topic to “How the TV Media Constructs the Mainland Exchange Students’ Conceptions of Taiwan.”
Secondly, the questions we originally proposed to put in our surveys are not well constructed and arranged. We should have avoided Yes-No questions in case the questions would be stopped if they answer NO. We had a meeting on the next day with an exchange student, and asked for her opinions on our survey questions. She singled out the answerable questions and we did some revision on those questions to make them more specific. Also, we decide to offer the survey questions in English to the exchange students, so we did the translations after the revision.
After the meeting with her, we revised our survey questions as follows;
1. a. What province of Mainland China do you come from?
b. What university in Mainland China do you study in?
c. What is your major?
2. What local TV channel do you mostly watch?
3. Have these TV channels reported news about Taiwan?
4. Based on the previous question, in what kind of TV news do you take the most interest ? (Politics, economy, culture, etc.)
5. In Mainland China, what types of TV programs from Taiwan are broadcast in local TV stations? (Variety show; Political talk-show, etc.)
6. Amongst all the Taiwan-related TV programs produced by local TV companies, what issue appeals to you most?
7. Before you come to Taiwan, how do local TV stations form your impression of Taiwan?
8. What is the most impressive part do you find in Taiwan’s news media? Why?
9. After you have access to Taiwan’s TV media, what has been changed in your impression of Taiwan?
10. In your opinion, what is the most difficult part of Taiwan’s TV media to accustom to?