Storages of fun underground welcome you to this place.
“Subway, 161 Street Station, Yankee Stadium.” When one sees these words on a sign at a flight of stairs downwards, norm

Although the word “dungeon” has connotations of darkness and the undesirable, it is of least negative implications here in Freebies Dungeon 0L$. No one is going to be a prisoner here; yet, everyone is willing to be “trapped” in the dungeon for several minutes. There are so many boards hanging on the wall and boxes stacked under. It takes a long while to search for your desirable stuff in the maze of advertising pictures.

The dungeon declares: “Free items gratis.” and this is the most appealing feature to draw people here. Anything you could think of could be found in this underground world: clothes, skins, vehicles, and even a cage for vampires. More importantly, most of them are free! You could try on as much different stuff as your wishes. Lavishness is allowed here. If the items are not suitable for you, just throw it away. Bear only one thing in your mind when coming here: make yourself look best!