Storages of fun underground welcome you to this place.
“Subway, 161 Street Station, Yankee Stadium.” When one sees these words on a sign at a flight of

Although the word “dungeon” has connotations of darkness and the undesirable, it is of least negative implications here in Freebies Dungeon 0L$. No one is going to be a prisoner here; yet, everyone is willing to be “trapped” in the dungeon for several minutes. There are so many boards hanging on the wall and boxes stacked under. It takes a long while to search for your desirable stuff in the maze of advertising pictures.

The dungeon declares: “Free items gratis.” and this is the most appealing feature to draw people here. Anything you could think of could be found in this underground world: clothes, skins, vehicles, and even a cage for vampires. More importantly, most of them are free! You could try on as much different stuff as your wishes. Lavishness is allowed here. Just try to make yourself look best!
1 則留言:
[2:24] Nada Copperfield: go
[2:24] Nada Copperfield: first
[2:24] Nada Copperfield: i would like to aks
[2:24] Nada Copperfield: what is
[2:25] Nada Copperfield: url please
[2:25] karikan Kytori: then i'm both story teller and organiser
[2:25] karikan Kytori:
[2:25] Nada Copperfield: 0L$
[2:25] Nada Copperfield: what is this?????
[2:25] karikan Kytori: my story is about the freebie warehouse down that stairs
[2:26] Cloud Clarity: so shall we go down?
[2:27] karikan Kytori: no
[2:27] karikan Kytori: too many ppl down there
[2:28] karikan Kytori: 0L$ is the name of the place
[2:28] karikan Kytori: when u go down
[2:28] Nada Copperfield: ooooh
[2:28] karikan Kytori: u could see that on the screen
[2:28] Nada Copperfield: , he/she---------> s/he
[2:28] Nada Copperfield: hahah
[2:29] karikan Kytori: many ppl come here coz most of the things are free
[2:29] karikan Kytori: and there r many things down there'
[2:29] karikan Kytori: the entrance to this place is where we r now
[2:29] Jackowacko Juliesse is Offline
[2:30] karikan Kytori: "subway"
[2:30] karikan Kytori: but there's no subway
[2:30] karikan Kytori: so i mention it in 1st para
[2:30] karikan Kytori: then i tried to elaborate the word "dungeon"
[2:31] karikan Kytori: then emphasise the "free" feature of this place at the end
[2:31] Jackowacko Juliesse is Online
[2:31] karikan Kytori: fin
[2:31] Nada Copperfield: goooood one again
[2:31] karikan Kytori: = =
[2:31] Nada Copperfield: only a tiny suggestion
[2:31] karikan Kytori: ok
[2:32] Nada Copperfield: i had mentioned above
[2:32] Nada Copperfield: you can go and chcke
[2:32] karikan Kytori: ha ha''ok
[2:33] karikan Kytori: more opinions?
[2:34] Cloud Clarity: = =
[2:34] Jackowacko Juliesse: = =
[2:34] Cloud Clarity: good
[2:34] Jackowacko Juliesse: nope
[2:34] Nada Copperfield: mmmmmmmmm
[2:35] Nada Copperfield: i thin
[2:35] Cloud Clarity: ok
[2:35] Nada Copperfield: omg i can think>?????
[2:35] Cloud Clarity: perhapshs
[2:35] Cloud Clarity: the last parar
[2:35] Nada Copperfield: okay
[2:35] Cloud Clarity: is too shooort
[2:35] Nada Copperfield: i mean
[2:35] Cloud Clarity: i mean comapre with the first and the second
[2:35] Cloud Clarity: i find the the last one tis wheree u talk about the itemsd in it
[2:36] karikan Kytori: really? i think they r the same length
[2:36] Nada Copperfield: when i see your last sentnece in first paragrpah, iwas might show us how popularity it is .............
[2:37] Cloud Clarity: nono i mean comparing the lengeth of 1st plus 2ed para
[2:37] Cloud Clarity: the third is about the content the place u want to introduce
[2:37] karikan Kytori: u mean i should emphasise more on the place?
[2:37] Cloud Clarity: but ugive not enough description
[2:38] Cloud Clarity: sort of
[2:38] karikan Kytori: there r just many stuff
[2:38] karikan Kytori: ha ha
[2:38] karikan Kytori: nothing really important
[2:38] Nada Copperfield: who are you answering to?????
[2:38] karikan Kytori: all
[2:38] karikan Kytori: ha ha
[2:38] Nada Copperfield: oh welll
[2:39] karikan Kytori: how popular
[2:39] karikan Kytori: let me think
[2:39] karikan Kytori: just many ppl
[2:39] karikan Kytori: or how else could i describe it?
[2:39] karikan Kytori: h aha
[2:40] Cloud Clarity: Lavishness is allowed here.
[2:40] Cloud Clarity: i don't seee Lavishness actuallly
[2:40] Nada Copperfield: alright
[2:40] karikan Kytori: ok
[2:40] karikan Kytori: i mean u could take and dispose anything u get here
[2:40] karikan Kytori: if u do not like
[2:40] karikan Kytori: just throw it
[2:40] karikan Kytori: coz it's free
[2:41] Cloud Clarity: i know that but it's not claer in ur story
[2:41] karikan Kytori: ok
[2:41] karikan Kytori: i'll do revision on that
[2:41] Cloud Clarity: ok
[2:41] Cloud Clarity: any more opion?
[2:41] Cloud Clarity: if no ............
[2:41] karikan Kytori: then dismiss
Alan’s news reports the “Subway, 161 Street Station, Yankee Stadium” however, you might think it as the subway station. It did not relate to the subway station actually. The entrance leads us down into no station but the dungeon. The dungeon has the connotation of darkness and undesirable. But everyone here want to be trapped because of 0$L. There are so many boards hanging on the wall and boxes stacked under.
Here declared the free item gratis and it is also the most appealing feature. Anything you could think would get here, even more some special gadgets. More importantly, most of them are free. You could just choose the best looks on you.
The news did not have any big grammatical error, Cloud suggest Alan can more elaborate the last paragraph. As result of comparing with the first and the second, the last paragraph is too short. And the sentence” Lavishness is allowed here.”is not clear at all. Maybe Alan could explain more deeply and clearly.