At irregular intervals, the cook would add some wood into the fire to keep it burning fiercely, and thus give chickens a special wooden fragrance. Some people may well ask what the difference between these chickens and Tungtzu chickens, which are roasted in steel barrels as well, is. Indeed, both kinds share similar roasting ways; yet, if we say that Tungtzu chickens smell more pleasant than roast chickens by electric ovens, we could further say that roast chickens here have their succulent flavor reserved. Besides, chickens here derive their refreshing aroma partly from Hakka preserved vegetables stuffed in their bellies.
As the chicken is ready, the cook would not chop it into pieces but serve the chicken as a whole in a pot. At this moment, just forget your knife and fork at home and simply use your hands to enjoy the meal: It is no time for table manners.
6 則留言:
Since the discussion is too long to put here;thus, here is the link for the discussion on Alan's news:
Chat Transcripts of SL Discussion:
[2009/03/11 7:56] Cloud Clarity: i am th organizer of alan's
[2009/03/11 7:56] karikan Kytori: it's dana's sleep time
[2009/03/11 7:56] karikan Kytori: h aha
[2009/03/11 7:56] Nada Copperfield: muahauhauaha
[2009/03/11 7:57] Nada Copperfield: iti s
[2009/03/11 7:57] Cloud Clarity: lol
[2009/03/11 7:57] Nada Copperfield: muahaua
[2009/03/11 7:57] Nada Copperfield: but it's okay
[2009/03/11 7:57] karikan Kytori: ok
[2009/03/11 7:57] Cloud Clarity: i'm ok if u don't mind~
[2009/03/11 7:57] Nada Copperfield: i can endure it
[2009/03/11 7:57] Nada Copperfield: so i am the editor of alns; aritlce
[2009/03/11 7:57] karikan Kytori: ha ha, endure
[2009/03/11 7:57] Nada Copperfield: muahuahauah
[2009/03/11 7:58] Cloud Clarity: dana wants to sing
[2009/03/11 7:58] karikan Kytori: ha ha
[2009/03/11 7:58] karikan Kytori: sing for us
[2009/03/11 7:58] Nada Copperfield: = =
[2009/03/11 7:59] Nada Copperfield: can you have your link
[2009/03/11 7:59] Nada Copperfield: can i have your link
[2009/03/11 7:59] Nada Copperfield: i can not have another clikc another item
[2009/03/11 7:59] karikan Kytori:
[2009/03/11 7:59] Cloud Clarity: Next Magazine once honored the sandwich of Hong Rui-Zhen Confectionary to be the most delicious in Taiwan. Perhaps you might think it’s a little exaggerated; yet, you still cannot deny the facts that the sandwich is at the top. People from different counties often gather in Ptt Buytogether for ordering the sandwiches.
[2009/03/11 8:00] Cloud Clarity: sory= = \
[2009/03/11 8:00] Cloud Clarity:
[2009/03/11 8:00] Nada Copperfield: danke
[2009/03/11 8:00] Nada Copperfield: i like tyou topic
[2009/03/11 8:00] Nada Copperfield: muahuahuahua
[2009/03/11 8:00] karikan Kytori: ok, my story seems to be kinda disorder
[2009/03/11 8:00] Nada Copperfield: it's intriguing
[2009/03/11 8:01] karikan Kytori: coz i just wrote what i thought at the time
[2009/03/11 8:01] Cloud Clarity: can u say the chinese name of ur cusines?
[2009/03/11 8:01] karikan Kytori: fisrt, i mentioned it attracts many people to give it a try
[2009/03/11 8:01] karikan Kytori: no name
[2009/03/11 8:01] karikan Kytori: just 烤雞
[2009/03/11 8:02] karikan Kytori: then i mentioned how it is cooked
[2009/03/11 8:02] karikan Kytori: and its aroma
[2009/03/11 8:03] karikan Kytori: then the difference between 桶子雞 and it
[2009/03/11 8:03] Nada Copperfield: yes
[2009/03/11 8:03] Nada Copperfield: whic is good
[2009/03/11 8:03] Cloud Clarity: where?
[2009/03/11 8:03] karikan Kytori: at the end, how to taste it
[2009/03/11 8:03] karikan Kytori: ha ha
[2009/03/11 8:03] Nada Copperfield: then>
[2009/03/11 8:03] Nada Copperfield: ??
[2009/03/11 8:04] karikan Kytori: the end.......
[2009/03/11 8:04] karikan Kytori: it seems to me abrupt now
[2009/03/11 8:04] Nada Copperfield: okay
[2009/03/11 8:04] Nada Copperfield: your picture is really really good
[2009/03/11 8:04] Nada Copperfield: since it is really enticing
[2009/03/11 8:04] karikan Kytori: since u do not get its ending
[2009/03/11 8:04] Cloud Clarity: i like ur last para
[2009/03/11 8:04] karikan Kytori: ha ha
[2009/03/11 8:04] Nada Copperfield: and that could arous readers' apetite
[2009/03/11 8:05] Nada Copperfield: muahauhaua
[2009/03/11 8:05] Nada Copperfield: then
[2009/03/11 8:05] karikan Kytori: is it not abrupt?
[2009/03/11 8:05] Nada Copperfield: no
[2009/03/11 8:05] Nada Copperfield: wati
[2009/03/11 8:05] Nada Copperfield: not that far yet
[2009/03/11 8:05] karikan Kytori: i kept wondering whether i could end thus
[2009/03/11 8:05] karikan Kytori: ok
[2009/03/11 8:05] Nada Copperfield: then your organization is also fine
[2009/03/11 8:06] Nada Copperfield: i mean good
[2009/03/11 8:06] Nada Copperfield: and
[2009/03/11 8:06] karikan Kytori: shall i elaborate some parts more?
[2009/03/11 8:06] Nada Copperfield: the ending is good
[2009/03/11 8:06] Nada Copperfield: you dont need to change
[2009/03/11 8:06] Nada Copperfield: since it is time for the reader to have the chicken
[2009/03/11 8:06] Nada Copperfield: then you sould end here
[2009/03/11 8:06] Nada Copperfield: which is also good
[2009/03/11 8:07] karikan Kytori: so it is not abrupt?
[2009/03/11 8:07] Nada Copperfield: no
[2009/03/11 8:07] Cloud Clarity: i'm hungry for reading ur news= =
[2009/03/11 8:08] Jackowacko Juliesse: haha
[2009/03/11 8:08] karikan Kytori: ur exaggerating
[2009/03/11 8:08] karikan Kytori: = =
[2009/03/11 8:08] Nada Copperfield: but
[2009/03/11 8:08] Cloud Clarity: no i am really hungry= =
[2009/03/11 8:08] Nada Copperfield: then
[2009/03/11 8:08] Nada Copperfield: the readers should taste the chicken themselves
[2009/03/11 8:08] Nada Copperfield: muahuaha or i misread it again
[2009/03/11 8:09] karikan Kytori: u mean i should add this?
[2009/03/11 8:09] Nada Copperfield: i dunno
[2009/03/11 8:09] Nada Copperfield: becaseu
[2009/03/11 8:09] Nada Copperfield: your ending is good for me
[2009/03/11 8:09] Nada Copperfield: but then the taste would be missing
[2009/03/11 8:09] Cloud Clarity: yeah me too
[2009/03/11 8:09] Cloud Clarity: i like the ending
[2009/03/11 8:09] karikan Kytori: the taste?
[2009/03/11 8:09] Nada Copperfield: ja
[2009/03/11 8:10] karikan Kytori: i don't get it
[2009/03/11 8:10] karikan Kytori: would u explain it?
[2009/03/11 8:10] Jackowacko Juliesse: really ler me want to taste
[2009/03/11 8:10] Jackowacko Juliesse: let*
[2009/03/11 8:10] Nada Copperfield: becasue savor of this chickin is depend on the reader but not the words
[2009/03/11 8:10] Nada Copperfield: well its a little bit hard to explain
[2009/03/11 8:10] karikan Kytori: ok
[2009/03/11 8:11] Nada Copperfield: but i dnot; mean that you have to add the discrption of the taste
[2009/03/11 8:11] Nada Copperfield: again , it depends on waht is your main point
[2009/03/11 8:11] Cloud Clarity: can we go next time lol
[2009/03/11 8:12] Cloud Clarity: Some people may well ask what the difference between these chickens and Tungtzu chickens, which are roasted in steel barrels as well, is. ---> why u have "is " at the end?
[2009/03/11 8:12] Nada Copperfield: if your point is just about entice the reader to have a bit of it then you actually don't have to mention the savor
[2009/03/11 8:12] karikan Kytori: the difference
[2009/03/11 8:12] karikan Kytori: singular
[2009/03/11 8:13] Cloud Clarity: yeah i see that wheich is too long to remeber the previous lines@@
[2009/03/11 8:13] Cloud Clarity: sory
[2009/03/11 8:13] Nada Copperfield: if you just want to entice the readers to have the chickne
[2009/03/11 8:13] Nada Copperfield: then i think the ending is enough
[2009/03/11 8:13] karikan Kytori: ok, i'll revise the sentences
[2009/03/11 8:14] karikan Kytori: but i still don't get nada's comment
[2009/03/11 8:14] karikan Kytori: = =
[2009/03/11 8:14] Nada Copperfield: = =
[2009/03/11 8:14] karikan Kytori: u mean i do not have to compare them?
[2009/03/11 8:14] Nada Copperfield: np
[2009/03/11 8:14] Nada Copperfield: no
[2009/03/11 8:15] Cloud Clarity: i thinkg that ur news is mainly about introducing the way of cooking not the flavor
[2009/03/11 8:15] Cloud Clarity: just take a look of the pic
[2009/03/11 8:15] Cloud Clarity: you can see its delicious
[2009/03/11 8:15] Cloud Clarity: ( my feeling= =)
[2009/03/11 8:15] karikan Kytori: so i do not need to describe its taste? like succulent part?
[2009/03/11 8:16] Nada Copperfield: but
[2009/03/11 8:16] Nada Copperfield: yeah
[2009/03/11 8:16] Nada Copperfield: maybe
[2009/03/11 8:16] Nada Copperfield: not
[2009/03/11 8:16] Nada Copperfield: no
[2009/03/11 8:16] Nada Copperfield: you could mention it
[2009/03/11 8:16] Nada Copperfield: that's fine
[2009/03/11 8:16] Jackowacko Juliesse: ur topic is the difference between the way they cooked?
[2009/03/11 8:17] Jackowacko Juliesse: or the flavor between them?
[2009/03/11 8:17] Nada Copperfield: you can focus on the scent then the flavor would be depend on the readers
[2009/03/11 8:17] Nada Copperfield: since the ending is kinda let the reader to taste it tmeselves
[2009/03/11 8:17] karikan Kytori: u mean i just describe how it's served
[2009/03/11 8:18] karikan Kytori: not the taste?
[2009/03/11 8:18] Nada Copperfield: no i mean it;s okay not to desvribe the taste that';s fine
[2009/03/11 8:18] Nada Copperfield: sicne the readers could taste it themsevles
[2009/03/11 8:18] Nada Copperfield: and
[2009/03/11 8:18] Nada Copperfield: which is the dunction of your ending
[2009/03/11 8:18] Cloud Clarity: i reread again, and i find itss ok to add "taste" part if u want
[2009/03/11 8:19] Nada Copperfield: fucntion
[2009/03/11 8:19] Nada Copperfield: then the scent discription might arouse our evoke the readers or entice the readers to taste them tmeselves
[2009/03/11 8:20] Cloud Clarity: but if u don't, i also feel its ok cuz the overall news is about the way it served
[2009/03/11 8:20] Nada Copperfield: ja
[2009/03/11 8:20] Cloud Clarity: we have less than ten mins
[2009/03/11 8:20] Nada Copperfield: i think you article is no problem
[2009/03/11 8:20] Nada Copperfield: muahuahuahuah
[2009/03/11 8:20] karikan Kytori: i think the taste part is the difference, so i wrote it
[2009/03/11 8:20] Cloud Clarity: perhaps we should try to make a conclusion?
[2009/03/11 8:20] karikan Kytori: never think of taste and serving way
[2009/03/11 8:20] karikan Kytori: ha ha
[2009/03/11 8:20] Nada Copperfield: muahuahua
[2009/03/11 8:21] karikan Kytori: olivia, u mean at the end?
[2009/03/11 8:22] Nada Copperfield: no
[2009/03/11 8:22] Cloud Clarity: ok just forget about it, i just mean that either u add taste or not is ok
[2009/03/11 8:22] Nada Copperfield: the scent
[2009/03/11 8:22] Nada Copperfield: the scent is what you can focus on
[2009/03/11 8:23] Nada Copperfield: then that would entice the readers to taste the chicken
[2009/03/11 8:23] karikan Kytori: u mean the wooden scent or the hakka part?
[2009/03/11 8:23] karikan Kytori: or more about the scent?
[2009/03/11 8:23] Nada Copperfield: the chicken scent
[2009/03/11 8:23] Nada Copperfield: muahuahua
[2009/03/11 8:23] karikan Kytori: other scents?
[2009/03/11 8:23] karikan Kytori: ha ha
[2009/03/11 8:23] Nada Copperfield: the chicken scent
[2009/03/11 8:23] Nada Copperfield: what other scents
[2009/03/11 8:23] Nada Copperfield: spirit's scetns????
[2009/03/11 8:24] karikan Kytori: ok, i'll try to conjure up a possible description about that
[2009/03/11 8:24] Cloud Clarity: hey~do u mention why it is cooked in the box?
[2009/03/11 8:25] karikan Kytori: why it's cooked in the box?
[2009/03/11 8:25] karikan Kytori: but that's just a way to cook
[2009/03/11 8:25] karikan Kytori: since u do not use an electric oven
[2009/03/11 8:25] Nada Copperfield: muahuahuahua
[2009/03/11 8:25] karikan Kytori: oh
[2009/03/11 8:25] Nada Copperfield: no big problem actually
[2009/03/11 8:25] karikan Kytori: i know ur meaning
[2009/03/11 8:26] Nada Copperfield: but the fucntion of the box
[2009/03/11 8:26] karikan Kytori: but i do not know how to say that in eng
[2009/03/11 8:26] karikan Kytori: 要"悶"
[2009/03/11 8:26] Nada Copperfield: muahuahuahuahua
[2009/03/11 8:26] Cloud Clarity: ohohohohoh
[2009/03/11 8:26] karikan Kytori: but i do not know the word for it
[2009/03/11 8:26] karikan Kytori: ha ha
[2009/03/11 8:26] Nada Copperfield: or make the scent more enticing?????
[2009/03/11 8:26] Una Rewell is Online
[2009/03/11 8:26] karikan Kytori: yep
[2009/03/11 8:26] karikan Kytori: more thick
[2009/03/11 8:26] Nada Copperfield: Hey!
[2009/03/11 8:26] karikan Kytori: thanks
[2009/03/11 8:27] karikan Kytori: i'll add that part'
[2009/03/11 8:27] Nada Copperfield: okay
[2009/03/11 8:27] Nada Copperfield: then
[2009/03/11 8:27] Nada Copperfield: we are done
[2009/03/11 8:27] Nada Copperfield: right?????
[2009/03/11 8:27] Nada Copperfield: btw i like your picture
[2009/03/11 8:27] Cloud Clarity: cuz the airtight space preserved the aroma
[2009/03/11 8:27] Nada Copperfield: it's really goooooooood
[2009/03/11 8:27] karikan Kytori: done sounds like we r in trouble
[2009/03/11 8:27] karikan Kytori: ha ha
[2009/03/11 8:27] Nada Copperfield: muahuahuah
[2009/03/11 8:28] Nada Copperfield: it''s pun
[2009/03/11 8:28] karikan Kytori: ha ha
[2009/03/11 8:28] karikan Kytori: yep
[2009/03/11 8:28] karikan Kytori: no other opinion?
[2009/03/11 8:28] Cloud Clarity: or cuz the airtight space make it possible to eat( 才會熟)
[2009/03/11 8:28] Nada Copperfield: then she else?
[2009/03/11 8:28] Nada Copperfield: sth
[2009/03/11 8:29] Cloud Clarity: no i guss
[2009/03/11 8:29] karikan Kytori: i think it makes chickens 熟透 and 增加香氣 at the same time
[2009/03/11 8:29] Cloud Clarity: yeah
[2009/03/11 8:29] Cloud Clarity: u cna try to decribe that if u want to say sth more abnout the box's function
[2009/03/11 8:29] Cloud Clarity: haha
[2009/03/11 8:29] Cloud Clarity: so...
[2009/03/11 8:29] Cloud Clarity: done?
[2009/03/11 8:29] karikan Kytori: ok, i'll try to look for "悶" in eng
[2009/03/11 8:29] karikan Kytori: ha ha
[2009/03/11 8:30] karikan Kytori: ok, thx
i still post comment here
since the link doesn't work here as feedback!
but if u find it hard to read the article, u can still check the link! the link is post on 2009/3/13(Friday)
Writer: Alan (karikan Kytori)
Reviewer:Jason (Jackowacko Juliesse)
Editor: Dana (Nada Copperfield)
Organizer: Olivia (Cloud Clarity)
Report on the Discussion:
The news is about the special roast chickens in Jiouchiunghu, Sinpu (Hsinchu County). The writer begins the story with the celebrity of the roast chickens which attracts a large number of people to give it a try. Next, he mentions how it is cooked and focuses readers’ attentions on the difference between these chickens and Tungtzu chickens. Then he makes an ending about the way it is served.
All of our group members (editor, reviewer, organizer) think that it is a good piece of work. First, he has a focus on how these chickens are cooked. Second, the comparison between these chickens and Tungtzu chickens provides readers a different aspect to further understand the chickens’ uniqueness. In addition, the ending is quite interesting both by telling readers how you should eat them ( “…just forget your knife and fork at home and simply use your hands to enjoy the meal: It is no time for table manners”) and adding a luring picture of a roast chicken at the end of the story, which gives a hint that “he should say no more but just EAT IT!!”
For the weakness of this news, we find that the comparison has no stark contrast. The writer should elaborate on this part such as: Why is it so special in cooking in a box? Does it make chickens tastier or dose the aroma result from the special cooking method? Besides, some of the sentences need to be revised such as “Some people may well ask what the difference between these chickens and Tungtzu chickens, which are roasted in steel barrels as well, is” which is a little too long and therefore leads to a single word “is” after a comma.
All in all, Alan’s news is pretty good. After reading his story, we all can wait for no time to give it a try!